Does the driver of the industrial control board need to be updated?
In theory, all hardware devices need to install the corresponding driver to work properly. If the hardware lacks drivers, or does not use the latest drivers, the original powerful hardware will not be able to work according to the instructions issued by the software, and the hardware will have no use.
Therefore, people often compare the drive to the bridge between the industrial motherboard hardware and the system, and the old and new of this bridge will more or less affect the performance of the platform.
As for the impact of the old and new versions of the industrial motherboard or industrial computer driver on the hardware performance in the end, it can be seen from the test results that for the game, the performance improvement brought by the updated graphics card driver is indeed negligible.
Unless the industrial motherboard or industrial computer hardware manufacturer has announced a very important driver version, it is not recommended that users frequently update the hardware driver. The new version of the driver will not improve the hardware performance too much, and sometimes there are some unstable factors.
Some friends may have encountered such an environment: the computer used the original good, but updated the graphics card driver, and the computer appeared after restarting the system or the blue screen or the flower screen environment. Therefore, it is recommended not to frequently update drivers such as graphics cards, industrial motherboards or industrial computers.