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3500/25-149369-01 | The enhanced Key phaser module is used to provide accurate time measurement

Model: 3500/25-149369-01
Category: Enhanced Key phase module
Finish: New/not new
Delivery time: from stock
Warranty: One year
Express: SF Express/Debon
Payment: Wire transfer, Western Union


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3500/25-149369-01 | The enhanced Key phaser module is used to provide accurate time measurement

Model: 3500/25-149369-01
Category: Enhanced Key phase module
Finish: New/not new
Delivery time: from stock
Warranty: One year
Express: SF Express/Debon
Payment: Wire transfer, Western Union

The 3500/25-149369-01 Enhanced Keyphaser module, such as the Bently 3500/25 149369-01, is a half-height, dual-channel module designed to provide Keyphasor signals to monitor modules in the 3500 rack.



This module receives input signals from proximity probes or magnetic pickups and converts these signals into digital Keyphasor signals. These signals are used to indicate when the Keyphasor mark on the axis is aligned with the Keyphasor sensor.

The 3500/25-149369-01 Enhanced Key Phaser module is an improved version of the 3500 system module that provides more powerful key signal processing than earlier designs, while maintaining full backward compatibility when used with existing Keyphasor modules. This module can receive two signals from eddy current sensors or electromagnetic sensors with input signals ranging from -0.8V to -21.0V (uninsulated I/O modules) and +5V to -11V (insulated I/O modules).


In addition, the 3500/25-149369-01 module also provides two buffered key phase output signals, which can be obtained at the coaxial junction on the front panel of the frame, or at the European junction on the back of the frame. When a fault is detected inside the key phaser module, the light-emitting diode OK indicator on the front panel gives an indication. The TX/RX indicator gives an indication when the key phaser module communicates with the Frame Interface Module (RIM).


In the 3500 mechanical protection system, the 3500/25-149369-01 accepts up to four Keyphasor signals in the normal configuration and up to eight Keyphasor signals in the paired configuration. These key phase signals are pulses per turn or multiple times per turn from the rotating shaft or gear and are used to provide accurate time measurements. This enables the 3500 monitor module and external fault diagnosis equipment to measure vector parameters such as 1X amplitude and phase.


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