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3500/42M 140734-02 | Earthquake monitor | 3500/72M 140734-08 | kcal

Model: 3500/42M 140734-02 kcal
Category: Earthquake monitor
Guarantee: 365 days
Delivery time: 3-5 days


Product content

3500/42M 140734-02 | Earthquake monitor | 3500/72M 140734-08 | kcal

Model: 3500/42M 140734-02 kcal
Category: Earthquake monitor
Guarantee: 365 days
Delivery time: 3-5 days
3500/42M 140734-02 Earthquake Monitor:


Protect the machine by continuous comparison to drive alarm Settings based on configured alarm monitoring parameters. Transfer basic machine information to both operators and maintenance personnel.

The 3500/42M 140734-02 Seismic Monitor is a four-channel monitor that accepts input from adjacent and seismic sensors. It adjusts signals to provide vibration and position measurements and compares condition signals with user programmable alarms. You can program each channel with 3500 racks.

Configuration software monitoring and reporting:
– Radial Vibration -REBAM

Monitoring channels are programmed in pairs and can perform up to two of the listed functions
For a while. For example, channel land 2 May perform a function, while channels 3 and 4 perform it
Another or the same function. 3500/42M 140734-02 Each channel, usually depending on the configuration conditions of its input signal, produces a variety of parameters called static values. You can configure the alert Settings for each activity static value and the danger Settings to be static values for any two activities.

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