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AL132 AL132A STO0982E01 Controller Module Programmable Controller (PLC)

Model: AL132 AL132A STO0982E01


AL132 AL132A STO0982E01 Controller module usually refers to the key component in the programmable controller (PLC).


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AL132 AL132A STO0982E01 Controller Module Programmable Controller (PLC)


Model: AL132 AL132A STO0982E01


AL132 AL132A STO0982E01 Controller module usually refers to the key component in the programmable controller (PLC). PLC module is mainly composed of CPU module, input module, output module and programmer.

CPU module: AL132 AL132A STO0982E01 is equivalent to the human brain and heart, it constantly collects input signals, executes user programs, and refreshes the output of the system. The CPU module is mainly composed of a microprocessor (CPU chip) and memory, in which memory is used to store programs and data.

Input/Output (I/O) modules: They are the eyes, ears, hands, and feet of the system and are the bridge between the external field and the CPU modules. AL132 AL132A STO0982E01 Input module is responsible for receiving and collecting input signals, which may come from switch input signals such as button, select switch, digital code switch, limit switch, proximity switch, photoelectric switch, pressure relay, etc. Or a continuously varying analog input signal provided by a potentiometer, thermocouple, tachometer generator, and various transmitters.

In the field of automotive electronics, controller modules are also often referred to as ECU (electronic control unit) modules, which integrate sensors to form a complete subsystem for implementing various automotive functions, such as body control, intelligent driving assistance, and so on.

Please note that the specific controller module will vary depending on the application area and specific needs. When selecting and using, make sure you understand the relevant specifications, compatibility and configuration requirements.


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