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MTL2213 | MTL5541 | Proximity detector |

Product model: MTL2213
Product Category: Proximity detector
Finish: New/not new
Delivery time: from stock
Guarantee: One year
Express: SF Express/Debon


Product content

MTL2213 | MTL5541 | Proximity detector |

Product model: MTL2213
Product Category: Proximity detector
Finish: New/not new
Delivery time: from stock
Guarantee: One year
Express: SF Express/Debon

The MTL2213 can control three 100VA safe zone loads independently by three lightweight on/off switches or certified close
Detectors in dangerous areas. The switch and the adjacent detector may be mixed. The three input circuits are interconnected but completely floating. For close detector and some switching applications, phase-reversal links allow the state of alarm conditions to be parallel


The sensor. “Alarm” means that the on/off contact of the relay is turned off and the three circuits must work in the same way. This compact, low-cost unit is suitable for a variety of applications. The MTL2213 replaces the directly replaced MTL2212.
Except that only terminal 8 can be connected to Earth.

LED indicator (per channel)
About when the relays are functional
1.7 to 2.5W(AC version)
110 mA(24V current version)
Wangbu District
20 to +50+0(AG version store, closed day package
20 to +45’C(24V DC version, t26V, l closed package
-20 to +601C(all distances at least 5 to m)
-40 to +80 “C(all versions: Storage)
Cross all description
10.5 V8009214mA
FM maximum entity parameters (per channel
VOC=10.5,L5C=14.0mA,Ca=3.0uF, La=165 mH

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